Ὑπὸ ἐξάρθρωσιν διεθνὲς δίκτυο πλαστογραφημένων διαβατηρίων!!!

Ὑπὸ ἐξάρθρωσιν διεθνὲς δίκτυο πλαστογραφημένων διαβατηρίων!!!Φαντασθεῖτε τὶ ἔχει περάσει μέσα στὰ τόσα χρόνια…
Φαντασθεῖτε ἐπίσης πὼς ἐὰν μέσα στοὺς 13.000 ποὺ πέρασαν (καὶ σήμερα ἀπουσιάζουν ἀπὸ τὸ μέτρημα, μὴ γνωρίζοντας τὸ ποῦ εἶναι), πόσοι ἀκόμη μποροῦν νὰ πέρασαν μὲ αὐτὰ τὰ πλαστὰ διαβατήρια…

Ἐξαρθρώθη διεθνὲς δίκτυο πλαστῶν διαβατηρίων ποὺ διοχετεύοντο σὲ παρανόμους μετανάστες («πρόσφυγες») στὴν Ἑλλάδα, μὲ σκοπὸ νὰ περάσουν στὴν Δυτικὴ καὶ τὴν Βόρειο Εὐρώπη!!!

Ἀπὸ ἑλληνικῆς πλευρᾶς ὁ Χρῆστος Παπαζαφείρης, Ὑποστράτηγος στὴν Διεύθυνση Ἀσφαλείας Ἀττικῆς, προσέθεσε ὅτι τὸ τελευταῖο ἑξάμηνο περισσότερα ἀπὸ 1.000 πλαστὰ διαβατήρια «προωθήθησαν» ἀπὸ τὴν Ἰσπανία στὴν Ἑλλάδα!!!

33 suspected members of people smuggling network arrested

Thirty-three people have been arrested as part of a major European investigation into the smuggling of migrants from Iran to the UK, through various European transit countries.

24 of those arrested were detained in Greece as part of a joint investigation by the UK’s Organised Immigration Crime Taskforce, Project Invigor, and the Organised Crime Unit of the Hellenic Police with support from Europol.

The men, aged between 26 and 45, were held after a series of raids in Athens on Thursday 08 December and were remanded in custody.

All 24 were arrested for their suspected role in a transnational organised crime group (OCG) believed to be facilitating the smuggling of Iranian illegal migrants from Iran via Turkey, Greece, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, into the UK.

Investigators believe the OCG would charge up to 10,000 Euro per person to supply migrants with fraudulently obtained or altered identity documents and arrange for their onward journey to the UK.

Four forgery factories, where it is alleged the group produced the counterfeited documents, were dismantled in the operation. Forging equipment, 50,000 Euros in cash and hundreds of documents were also seized.

In a linked operation, Home Office Immigration Enforcement officers arrested nine individuals suspected of being part of a UK-based arm of the organised crime group in a series of raids in Glasgow, Manchester and Northampton on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 December. The investigation was supported by the NCA, the French Police Aux Frontières, Europol, and Eurojust.

Chris Hogben, from the NCA’s Border Policing Command and Deputy Head of Project Invigor said: “As a result of close collaboration and intelligence sharing with the Greek authorities, this operation has led to the arrests of those we believe are key members of a criminal network responsible for smuggling hundreds of Iranian migrants from Iran to the UK.

“We will continue to work with our partners around the world and in the UK to pursue the criminals facilitating illegal immigration, and take action to disrupt their networks.”

Police Lieutenant General Christos Papazafiris of the Hellenic Police Security Division of Attica said: “I would like to congratulate the officers of the Sub-Directorate of Organised Crime of the Security Division of Attica as well as all the departments and services who contributed to this important operation. Please let me thank the National Crime Agency (NCA) of the United Kingdom and the attending officers for the excellent cooperation we maintain in our joint struggle against organised crime”.

Project Invigor is the NCA-led UK law enforcement taskforce targeting the criminal networks behind people smuggling. It includes various UK partners such as Immigration Enforcement, Border Force, the Crown Prosecution Service and police and is the biggest of its type in Europe.


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