Γενοκτονία στὴν Βραζιλία…

Γενοκτονία στὴν Βραζιλία...

Κάθε 9 λεπτὰ ἕνα ἄτομο σκοτώνεται στὴν Βραζιλία!!!

Ἡ Βραζιλία ξεπέρασε σὲ θύματα τὴν Συρία στὴν πενταετία 2011-2015, παρ’ ὅλο ποὺ δὲν εὑρίσκεται σὲ πόλεμο, ὅπως ἡ Συρία.

Στὴν πενταετία αὐτὴν τὰ θύματα στὴν Βραζιλία ἦσαν 278.839, ὅταν στὴν Συρία ἦσαν 256.124!!!

Τὰ θύματα στὴν Βραζιλία εἶναι ἀπὸ τὴν ἐγκληματικότητα ποὺ οἱ τοπικὲς ἀρχὲς ἀδυνατοῦν νὰ ἐλέγξουν!!!

Brazil has surpassed Syria in the number of victims of violence, despite the fact that the large South American country is not at war. From 2011 to 2015 there were 278,839 victims of violence in Brazil.

In comparison, in war-torn Syria during the same period 256,124 people lost their lives.

In recent years, another trend has been seen in Brazil. The numbers of murders today are not occurring in places which were known to be dangerous such as the south-eastern states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Today, crime has shifted to the northeast region of Brazil, where due to the relative economic backwardness; local governments do not have sufficient resources to combat violence and organized crime.


Τὸ Χρήσιμον 

Ἀποποίηση εὐθύνης

Οἱ συντάκτες τῶν ἄρθρων ἀποδέχονται ὅτι φέρουν τὴν ἀποκλειστικὴ εὐθύνη γιὰ τὴ νομιμότητα, ἀλλὰ καὶ γιὰ τὴν ὀρθότητά του περιεχομένου τῶν ἄρθρων τους, ἀπαλλάσσοντας τὸ filonoi.gr ἀπὸ ὁποιανδήποτε σχετικὴ εὐθύνη.

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