Σύριος ἀναλυτής: Ἡ Ἰσραηλινὴ Mossad ἐκπαιδεύει εἰδικοὺς κατασκόπους, ποὺ δολοφονοῦν ἡγέτες τῆς παλαιστινιακῆς ἀντιστάσεως.
Τὸ NBC, στηριζόμενο σὲ ἀναφροὰ τοῦ 2012 τῶν Η.Π.Α, ὑποστηρίζει ὅτι ἡ Mossad ἐκπαίδευσε Ἰρανοὺς ἀντιφρονοῦντες, μὲ σκοπὸ νὰ δολοφονήσουν Ἰρανοὺς Πυρηνικοὺς ἐπιστήμονες.
Syrian Analyst: Mossad Training Special Spies to Assassinate Resistance Leaders
A prominent Syrian analyst warned that Israel’s spy agency, Mossad, is training special agents for targeted assassinations in the countries which support the resistance front.
“The Zionist regime’s spy agency, Mossad, has and is assassinating the leaders of resistance groups and freedom-seeking movements in the world by training groups of mercenaries and sneaking them into target countries,” Mohammad Nasour told FNA on Saturday.
“Mossad has established special spy training centers and trained experts in the field of international relations to use them in its media for diverting the public opinion from the regime’s crimes,” he added.
Nasour also said that the main goal of the Zionist-US projects in the region is hitting a blow at the resistance front in a bid to guarantee the Zionist regime’s survival.
Targeted assassinations have become the most significant and frequent form of Israeli military attacks, and serve as a tool to control the occupied Palestinian territories.
The same method is also used in countries which support the resistance front.
An NBC News report citing US officials said in 2012 that Mossad officials are training Iranian dissidents to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists.
The report by the NBC News followed Iranian accusations that Israel and the US had been orchestrating attacks against Iranian scientists associated with Iran’s nuclear program.
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