Ὁλλανδικὸ ὑποβρύχιο, προχθὲς τὰ ξημερώματα, προσπάθησε νὰ πλησιάσῃ τὸν στολίσκο τῆς Ῥωσσίας, τοῦ ὁποίου ἡγεῖται τὸ ἀεροπλανοφόρο Admiral Kuznetsov, ποὺ κατευθύνεται πρὸς τὴν Συρία, γιὰ «συλλογῆ πληροφοριῶν»!!!
Ἐνετοπίσθη ἐγκαίρως ἀπὸ τὰ πλοῖα ἀνθυποβρυχιακοῦ πολέμου, παρὰ τὶς προσπάθειες ποὺ κατέβαλε νὰ μὴν γίνῃ ἀντιληπτό.
Ἀφοῦ πέρασε μία ὥρα, ποὺ τὸ εἶχαν μονίμως «στοχοποιημένο», ἐξηναγκάσθη σὲ ἀποχώρηση.
Dutch sub tried to approach Russian aircraft carrier in Mediterranean — defense ministry
A Dutch submarine on Wednesday morning tried to approach the Russian aircraft carrier group in the Mediterranean and spy on it, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.
“Earlier today, at 06:50 on November 9 the search and attack group consisting of anti-submarine ships The Severomorsk and The Vice-Admiral Kulakov spotted a diesel submarine of the Dutch Navy (presumably Walrus), which had tried to approach the Northern Fleet’s aircraft carrier group for surveillance purposes.”
Northern Fleet’s anti-submarine ships forced the submarine to leave the area where Russia’s Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier was at the moment.
“The crews of two anti-submarine ships, The Severomorsk and The Vice-Admiral Kulakov, easily identified the submarine that was 20 kilometers away using the standard onboard hydroacoustics systems and data obtained from anti-submarine helicopters Ka-27 PL. Despite the submarine’s attempts to evade surveillance a stable hydroacoustic contact was established with it. The ships kept track of the submarine for more than an hour and forced it to leave the area of the aircraft carrier-led group,” Konashenkov said.
According to the ministry, the submarine’s maneuvers in the Mediterranean were dangerous and could have led to grave navigation consequences.
“The clumsy attempts to carry out dangerous maneuvers in the direct proximity of the Russian group of warships could have led to grave navigation consequences,” he said.
The ministry official also said the Russian Navy’s aircraft carrier group regularly discovered NATO’s submarines on its way to the Mediterranean.
“Throughout its voyage, a Northern Fleet detachment regularly discovered NATO’s submarines along the route. Actions by USS Virginia, which was trying to spy on the Russian vessels, were recorded in early November,” Konashenkov said.
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