Ἰσλαμοποίησις λοιπόν…


Ὰς μιλήσουμε μὲ νούμερα καὶ στατιστικὰ στοιχεῖα λοιπόν.

Ἔρευνα σημειώνει ὅτι οἱ «μετανάστες» ἐνδιαφέρονται περισσότερο γιὰ τὰ προνόμια καὶ τὰ ἐπιδόματα τοῦ κοινωνικοῦ συστήματος τῆς Ἀγγλίας, παρὰ γιὰ δουλειές.

UK English Tutor Notes ‘Migrants’ More Interested in Benefits Than Jobs

Ἀγγλία καὶ Οὐαλία!:
Περισσότεροι ἀπὸ τὸ 56% τῶν Συρίων προσφύγων ἔκαναν διάφορα ἐγκλήματα σὲ λιγότερο ἀπὸ ἕνα ἔτος.

England and Wales: Over 56% of Syrian refugees committed severe crimes in less than a year

Τὸ 80% τῶν μουσουλμάνων τοῦ Λονδίνου ὑποστηρίζουν τὸ ISIS.

Britain: 80% of London’s Muslims support the Islamic State – poll

Τὸ 35% τοῦ πληθυσμοῦ τῶν φυλακῶν εἶναι μουσουλμᾶνοι, παρ’ ὅλο ποὺ στὸν πληθυσμὸ ἀντιπροσωπεύουν μόνον τὸ 6%

Belgium: 35% of prison population is Muslim, who make up only 6% of population

Ὁ λογαριασμὸς γιὰ τοὺς Γερμανοὺς φορολογουμένους εἶναι 13,7 δισεκατομμύρια λίρες, μέσα σὲ 18 μῆνες, γιὰ τοὺς μουσουλμάνους μετανάστες.

Germany’s £13.7 BILLION muslim migrant bill in only 18 months

Μόνον 17 ἀπὸ τὶς 1.200 σεξουαλικὲς ἐπιθέσεις μουσουλμάνων ἐμφανίζονται στὰ στατιστικὰ στοιχεῖα τῆς Γερμανικῆς Ἀστυνομίας

Germany hiding crimes: Only 17 out of 1,200 Muslim sex attacks appear in the Police Crime Statistics

Μουσουλμᾶνοι μετανάστες διέπραξαν 142.500 ἐγκλήματα μέσα στοὺς πρώτους ἕξι μῆνες τοῦ 2016, 780 κάθε ἡμέρα.

Germany: Muslim migrants committed 142,500 crimes in first six months of 2016 — 780 every day

Τὸ 75% τῶν Ἀλγερινῶν μεταναστῶν εἶναι ὕποπτοι γιὰ ἐγκλήματα σεξουαλικῶν ἐπιθέσεων

Germany: 75% of Algerian Migrants Have Been Sex Assault Suspects

Μουσουλμάνοι μετανᾶστες πηγαίνουν «διακοπές» στὶς χῶρες του, ποὺ ἐξακολουθεῖ νὰ ὑπάρχῃ πόλεμος.
(Ἔχει ἐξήγηση: Δὲν εἶναι ὅλη ἡ ἐπικράτεια τῆς κάθε χώρας σὲ πόλεμο. Ἄρα ὅσοι ἔφυγαν ἀπὸ μὴ ἐμπόλεμες περιοχὲς δὲν εἶναι πρόσφυγες καὶ γιὰ αὐτὸ μποροῦν καὶ ἐπιστρέφουν ἐκεῖ γιὰ διακοπὲς καὶ νὰ δοῦν τοὺς δικούς τους!)

Muslim migrants in Germany go on “vacation” to their war-torn homelands

Μουσουλμάνοι μετανάστες συνδέονται μὲ 69.000 ἐγκλήματα στοὺς πρώτους τρεῖς μῆνες τοῦ 2016!

Germany: Muslim migrants linked to 69,000 crimes in first three months of 2016

Τὸ 80% τῶν Τούρκων μουσουλμάνων ἀξιώνουν πληρωμὲς ἐπιδομάτων τῆς Κοινωνικῆς Προνοίας

Germany: 80% of Turkish Muslims claim welfare payments

Οἱ μουσουλμᾶνοι εἶναι μόνον τὸ 1% τοῦ πληθυσμοῦ, ἀλλὰ καταλαμβάνουν τὸ 40% στὶς καταγραφὲς παραπόνων γιὰ διακρίσεις!

U.S. Muslims make up only one percent of the population, but file 40% of workplace discrimination complaints

Ἀναφορὰ κάνει λόγο γιὰ ἄμεσο συσχετιμὸ μεταξὺ μεταναστῶν καὶ αὐξήσεως τοῦ ῥυθμοῦ ἐγκληματικότητος

Italian report: A direct correlation between immigrants and the rise in crime rate

Σαουδικὴ Ἀραβία:
Τὸ 92% σὲ ἔρευνα, ἐγκρίνει τὴν ἐκπροσώπηση τοῦ ἰσλὰμ ἀπὸ τὸ ISIS καὶ τὸν νόμο τῆς Σαρία

Saudi Arabia: 92% approve of ISIS representation of Islam and Sharia law – Poll

Περίπου τὸ 77% τῶν βιασμῶν ἔχει διαπραχθεῖ ἀπὸ τὸ 2% τοῦ μουσουλμανικοῦ ἀνδρικοῦ πληθυσμοῦ (στατιστικὰ στοιχεῖα ἐγκληματικότητος)

Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics

500.000 γυναῖκες ἐδέχθησαν σεξουαλικὴ ἐπίθεση μέσα σὲ ἕνα ἔτος

Sweden : Half a million women sex attacked in a year

Τὰ σεξουαλικὰ ἐγκλήματα κατὰ γυναικῶν διπλιασιάσθησαν μέσα σὲ τρία χρόνια

Sweden : Sex crimes against women doubled in three years

Μετανάστες εἶναι ὑπεύθυνοι γιὰ τὸ 95% ὅλων τῶν ἐγκλημάτων, αὔξησις κατὰ 430%

Sweden: Migrants are responsible for 95% of all crimes, overrepresented by +430%

Ἕνας στοὺς δέκα μουσουλμάνους μαθητὲς σχολείων, στὴν πόλη  Gothenburg, διάκειται φιλικὰ γιὰ τοὺς τζιχαντιστές

Sweden: One in ten Muslim school students in Gothenburg ‘sympathize’ with Jihadists

Ὑπάρχουν 50.000.000 μουσουλμάνοι στὴν Εὐρώπη, τὸ 80% ἐξ αὐτῶν εἶναι ζητιάνοι ἐπιδομάτων

“There are 50mil Muslims in Europe, 80% are beggars on welfare”

Ἔρευνα τοῦ καναλιοῦ Ἂλ Τζαζίρα:
Τὸ 81% τῶν μουσουλμάνων ποὺ ἐρωτήθησαν ὑποστηρίζουν τοὺς ἀποκεφαλιστὲς τοῦ ISIS

81% of Muslims surveyed support Islamic State slaughters – Al Jazeera Arabic Poll

Ἀνάλυσις τοῦ Ἰνστιτούτου REW, στὸν μουσουλμανικὸ κόσμο:
Ἕνα δισεκατομμύριο μουσουλμάνοι θέλουν τὸν νόμο τῆς Σαρία

PEW Poll Analysis: A billion Muslims want Sharia law

Τὸ Χρήσιμον

Ἀποποίηση εὐθύνης

Οἱ συντάκτες τῶν ἄρθρων ἀποδέχονται ὅτι φέρουν τὴν ἀποκλειστικὴ εὐθύνη γιὰ τὴ νομιμότητα, ἀλλὰ καὶ γιὰ τὴν ὀρθότητά του περιεχομένου τῶν ἄρθρων τους, ἀπαλλάσσοντας τὸ filonoi.gr ἀπὸ ὁποιανδήποτε σχετικὴ εὐθύνη.

2 thoughts on “Ἰσλαμοποίησις λοιπόν…

  1. Athens, September 24th, 2014
    Dear fellowmen and worthy citizens of our beautiful country, Greece.
    I’m one of you, and our only difference is that I can’t tolerate anymore our miserable traitorous Government making everything undisturbed, as having ordered with complete brainwashed the Jihadists of three families: One in England that holds a place in the country but it is a State within a State with its own courts and its own police. The other in America with the above characteristics and the third known to all, the Vatican.
    Can anyone indicate me a Christian Orthodox Nation not to have been pull apart? Certainly, having the Israelites on the lead (not to forget the Vatican), the most inhuman Jihadists globally, that using the power of money are trying to subdue all the Nations, worse than the Third Reich. They do not allow other States to join that carry out more power than their own. America already does whatever they want. Now it’s Europe’s time. Using economical crisis, which they themselves have caused starting from Greece are continuously trying to divide other members of Europe, separating them to North and South, forgetting that all together represent each State. We have no Northern as they are Southerners since the first possession and not Northern, just because they want us back in the same financial situation.
    They did whatever wanted with Europe. Starting with the help of their envoy, who has been studied and trained in America, Bin Laden, to disrupt all around folks with the worst way, slaughtering himself his brothers people, reinforcing with food and munitions for enslaving their people all around, having them in a frenzy state of mind and dividing them so that, wicked and unclean at heart and soul Israelites, don’t have their attention in what they do. Strengthening non-discerning Muslims to remember that is the largest and most true religion. Unfortunately, with their behavior, and in a way that is not appropriate to people but to vampires, they want to destroy everything, even their brothers. Wanting to shame them to the other people of mankind, funded by the Israelites, to no longer have strong opponents, doing their betraying plans and disorienting public opinion. That is why, dear Muslims, you have a very beautiful religion that fits your lifestyle, but only on your land and not wherever you want, doing just because you want it fine religious mysteries in countries where you came to in order to avoid your country insults and civilize with folks who have chosen not to cuss them because they are shocked with what you’re trying to persuade them with, i.e. to become Muslims, with the most horrible and shocking ways. And even if they wanted to change religions, they are not going to do so with violence. You’re not going to get it. Do not forget that to enable Christians to gain their religion have made many sacrifices and managed through more stronger and stubborn folks than you. All you are going to get is to send you back to your home country, where you can do what they did to you that made you run away to other countries who differ on tradition, customs and religions. You should also learn that even I, that love you, cannot believe what you are doing. Be careful for -in the near future- they might come back to you like a boomerang.
    The first who taught Jihadism was and is all European people, including Chinese people, having subjugated and ravaged whatever existed from North and South America, and mainly Africa. Massacred all the homogeneous population of any continent… We must not forget and
    they must not forget that we were the best and most faithful allies of the Europeans, but unfortunately we have been repeatedly betrayed, by the most ruthless way, mostly from the Turks.
    1 have informed you for what is going on on our planet. And now, in order to avoid the worst to come, we must reunite, my dearest and educated Greek fellow citizens, in one way: with the inspirations and what life has taught me throughout the years, I’m trying to inform all the syndicalists, that give directions to all employees in Greek families, with no-partisan ideals, to ask their members through the General Assembly, to be notified that from now on we will not ask our benefits by doing strikes and marches on the streets, allowing city’s principals to treat us like we’re the enemy of our country and losing our salaries without cause. But that we will remain at our homes as long as our trade-unionists decide in cooperation of “University Administration Compounds Civil Servants” (Α.Δ.Ε.Δ.Υ) and “National General Collective Labour Contract” (Γ.Σ.Ε.Ε.), asking for our sweat and blood and our Constitution to be returned to us. Otherwise we prefer to die in the arms our family instead of begging (as it will become very soon) on the streets or searching the dustbins of the rich -who are not Greek and don’t care for their fellow citizens-, that willy-nilly are consumers of their products, which leave them jobless, drugless, and with no economic comfort so that they can continue being greatest consumers. To avoid their products been stuck on the shelves or unsold whether on stock or farmlands and their pockets slowly emptied. Soon they will come to the same financial position as we are. This is something we should do the soonest possible, to avoid the same plan as it is accustomed every 10 or 20 and 30 years ago now, Lords of the world to be borrowed without the consent of each
    State’s citizens (on their own benefit). To enforce us in a rough way to pay back what they have borrowed, showing no mercy, despicable requiring pay off.
    My dear fellow citizens, I have not forgotten, but left it as a closure so to understand with your heart and soul into place, free of anger, but in a key position that God and nature has given us. In this paragraph 1 would like to present to you the reality and the substance that our Ancients ancestors have placed ourselves.
    The most important thing is that we’re the tribe that our great Lord confided, in which all religions are bowing, to his one and only and beloved Son.
    I hope and believe that through these truly words I manage to raise your will for continuation of Greek culture and not for the sake of the new world order, who are forcing us into without explaining us what it is.

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